Unexpected crystalline homogeneity from the disordered bond network in La(Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3 films

Abstract in English

Designing and understanding functional electronic and magnetic properties in perovskite oxides requires controlling and tuning the underlying crystal lattice. Here we report the structure, including oxygen and cation positions, of a single-crystal, entropy stabilized perovskite oxide film of La(Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3 grown on SrTiO3 (001). The parent materials range from orthorhombic (LaCrO3, LaMnO3 and LaFeO3) to rhombohedral (LaCoO3 and LaNiO3), and first principles calculations indicate that these structural motifs are nearly degenerate in energy and should be highly distorted site-to-site. Despite this extraordinary local configurational disorder on the B-site sublattice, we find a structure with unexpected macroscopic crystalline homogeneity with a clear orthorhombic unit cell, whose orientation is demonstrated to be controlled by the strain and crystal structure of the substrate for films grown on (La0.3Sr0.7)(Al0.65Ta0.35)O3 (LSAT) and NdGaO3 (110). Furthermore, quantification of the atom positions within the unit cell reveal that the orthorhombic distortions are small, close to LaCrO3, which may be driven by a combination of disorder averaging and the average ionic radii. This is the first step towards understanding the rules for designing new crystal motifs and tuning functional properties through controlled configurational complexity.
