Stratification and Optimal Resampling for Sequential Monte Carlo

Abstract in English

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), also known as particle filters, has been widely accepted as a powerful computational tool for making inference with dynamical systems. A key step in SMC is resampling, which plays the role of steering the algorithm towards the future dynamics. Several strategies have been proposed and used in practice, including multinomial resampling, residual resampling (Liu and Chen 1998), optimal resampling (Fearnhead and Clifford 2003), stratified resampling (Kitagawa 1996), and optimal transport resampling (Reich 2013). We show that, in the one dimensional case, optimal transport resampling is equivalent to stratified resampling on the sorted particles, and they both minimize the resampling variance as well as the expected squared energy distance between the original and resampled empirical distributions; in the multidimensional case, the variance of stratified resampling after sorting particles using Hilbert curve (Gerber et al. 2019) in $mathbb{R}^d$ is $O(m^{-(1+2/d)})$, an improved rate compared to the original $O(m^{-(1+1/d)})$, where $m$ is the number of resampled particles. This improved rate is the lowest for ordered stratified resampling schemes, as conjectured in Gerber et al. (2019). We also present an almost sure bound on the Wasserstein distance between the original and Hilbert-curve-resampled empirical distributions. In light of these theoretical results, we propose the stratified multiple-descendant growth (SMG) algorithm, which allows us to explore the sample space more efficiently compared to the standard i.i.d. multiple-descendant sampling-resampling approach as measured by the Wasserstein metric. Numerical evidence is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
