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The detection of binary neutron star mergers represents one of the most important astrophysical discoveries of the recent years. Due to the extreme matter and gravity conditions and the rich dynamics developed, it becomes a tremendous challenge to accurately simulate numerically all the scales present during the collision. Here we present how to study such systems by using large eddy simulations with a self-consistent subgrid-scale gradient model, that we generalized to the special relativistic case in a previous work and now extend to the general relativistic case. Adapted from nonrelativistic scenarios, the so-called gradient model allows to capture part of the effects of the hidden dynamics on the resolved scales, by means of a physically-agnostic, mathematically-based Taylor expansion of the nonlinear terms in the conservative evolution equations fluxes. We assess the validity of this approach in bounding-box simulations of the magnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. Several resolutions and a broad range of scenarios are considered in order to carefully test the performance of the model under three crucial aspects: (i) highly curved backgrounds, (ii) jumps on the fluid density profiles and (iii) strong shocks. The results suggest our extension of the gradient subgrid-scale model to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics is a promising approach for studying binary neutron stars mergers, and potentially to other relevant astrophysical scenarios.
MHD turbulence is likely to play an important role in several astrophysical scenarios where the magnetic Reynolds is very large. Numerically, these cases can be studied efficiently by means of Large Eddy Simulations, in which the computational resources are used to evolve the system only up to a finite grid size. The resolution is not fine enough to capture all the relevant small-scale physics at play, which is instead effectively modeled by a set of additional terms in the evolution equations, dubbed as sub-grid-scale model. Here we extend such approach, commonly used in non-relativistic/non-magnetic/incompressible fluid dynamics, applying the so-called gradient model to a general set of balance-law equations, that includes the relevant case in which a non-trivial inversion of conserved to primitive fields is needed. In particular, we focus on the relativistic compressible ideal MHD scenario, providing for the first time (and for any equation of state) all the additional sub-grid-scale terms. As an application, we consider box simulations of the relativistic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, which is also the first mechanism responsible for the magnetic field amplification in binary neutron star mergers and cannot yet be fully captured by the finest-grid and longest simulations available. The performance of our model is numerically assessed by comparing it to the residuals arising from the filtering of high-resolution simulations. We find that the model can fit very well those residuals from resolutions a few times higher. Although the application shown here explicitly considers the Minkowski metric, it can be directly extended to general relativity, thus settling the basis to implement the gradient sub-grid model in a GRMHD binary merger. Our results suggest that this approach will be potentially able to unveil much better the small-scale dynamics achievable in full GRMHD simulations.
The detection of binary neutron star mergers represents one of the most important and complex astrophysical discoveries of the recent years. One of the unclear aspects of the problem is the turbulent magnetic field amplification, initially triggered by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at much smaller scales than any reachable numerical resolution nowadays. Here we present numerical simulations of the first ten milliseconds of a binary neutron star merger. First, we confirm in detail how the simulated amplification depends on the numerical resolution and is distributed on a broad range of scales, as expected from turbulent MHD theory. We find that an initial large-scale magnetic field of $10^{11},$G inside each star is amplified in the remnant to root-mean-square values above $10^{16},$G within the first $5$ milliseconds for our highest-resolution run. Then, we run large eddy simulations, exploring the performance of the subgrid-scale gradient model, already tested successfully in previous turbulent box simulations. We show that the addition of this model is especially important in the induction equation, since it leads to an amplification of the magnetic field comparable to a higher-resolution run, but with a greatly reduced computational cost. In the first 10 milliseconds, there is no clear hint for an ordered, large-scale magnetic field, which should indeed occur in longer timescales through magnetic winding and the magneto-rotational instability.
A nonlocal subgrid-scale stress (SGS) model is developed based on the convolution neural network (CNN), a powerful supervised data-driven approach. The CNN is an ideal approach to naturally consider nonlocal spatial information in prediction due to its wide receptive field. The CNN-based models used here only take primitive flow variables as input, then the flow features are automatically extracted without any $priori$ guidance. The nonlocal models trained by direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of a turbulent channel flow at $Re_{tau}=178$ are accessed in both the $priori$ and $posteriori$ test, providing physically reasonable flow statistics (like mean velocity and velocity fluctuations) closing to the DNS results even when extrapolating to a higher Reynolds number $Re_{tau}=600$. In our model, the backscatter is also predicted well and the numerical simulation is stable. The nonlocal models outperform local data-driven models like artificial neural network and some SGS models, e.g. the Smagorinsky model in actual large eddy simulation (LES). The model is also robust since stable solutions can be obtained when examining the grid resolution from one-half to double of the spatial resolution used in training. We also investigate the influence of receptive fields and suggest using the two-point correlation analysis as a quantitative method to guide the design of nonlocal physical models. To facilitate the combination of machine learning (ML) algorithms to computational fluid dynamics (CFD), a novel heterogeneous ML-CFD framework is proposed. The present study provides the effective data-driven nonlocal methods for SGS modelling in the LES of complex anisotropic turbulent flows.
The first detections of black hole - neutron star mergers (GW200105 and GW200115) by the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra Collaboration mark a significant scientific breakthrough. The physical interpretation of pre- and post-merger signals requires careful cross-examination between observational and theoretical modelling results. Here we present the first set of black hole - neutron star simulations that were obtained with the numerical-relativity code BAM. Our initial data are constructed using the public LORENE spectral library which employs an excision of the black hole interior. BAM, in contrast, uses the moving-puncture gauge for the evolution. Therefore, we need to ``stuff the black hole interior with smooth initial data to evolve the binary system in time. This procedure introduces constraint violations such that the constraint damping properties of the evolution system are essential to increase the accuracy of the simulation and in particular to reduce spurious center-of-mass drifts. Within BAM we evolve the Z4c equations and we compare our gravitational-wave results with those of the SXS collaboration and results obtained with the SACRA code. While we find generally good agreement with the reference solutions and phase differences $lesssim 0.5$ rad at the moment of merger, the absence of a clean convergence order in our simulations does not allow for a proper error quantification. We finally present a set of different initial conditions to explore how the merger of black hole neutron star systems depends on the involved masses, spins, and equations of state.
Accreting black holes launch relativistic collimated jets, across many decades in luminosity and mass, suggesting the jet launching mechanism is universal, robust and scale-free. Theoretical models and general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations indicate that the key jet-making ingredient is large-scale poloidal magnetic flux. However, its origin is uncertain, and it is unknown if it can be generated in situ or dragged inward from the ambient medium. Here, we use the GPU-accelerated GRMHD code HAMR to study global 3D black hole accretion at unusually high resolutions more typical of local shearing box simulations. We demonstrate that accretion disc turbulence in a radially-extended accretion disc can generate large-scale poloidal magnetic flux in situ, even when starting from a purely toroidal magnetic field. The flux accumulates around the black hole till it becomes dynamically-important, leads to a magnetically arrested disc (MAD), and launches relativistic jets that are more powerful than the accretion flow. The jet power exceeds that of previous GRMHD toroidal field simulations by a factor of 10,000. The jets do not show significant kink or pinch instabilities, accelerate to $gamma sim 10$ over 3 decades in distance, and follow a collimation profile similar to the observed M87 jet.