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Iron Line from Neutron Star Accretion Disks in Scalar Tensor Theories

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 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Fe K_alpha fluorescent line at 6.4 keV is a powerful probe of the space-time metric in the vicinity of accreting compact objects. We investigated here how some alternative theories of gravity, namely Scalar tensor Theories, that invoke the presence of a non-minimally coupled scalar field and predict the existence of strongly scalarized neutron stars, change the expected line shape with respect to General Relativity. By taking into account both deviations from the general relativistic orbital dynamics of the accreting disk, where the Fe line originates, and the changes in the light propagation around the neutron star, we computed line shapes for various inclinations of the disk with respect to the observer. We found that both the intensity of the low energy tails and the position of the high energy edge of the line change. Moreover we verified that even if those changes are in general of the order of a few percent, they are potentially observable with the next generation of X-ray satellites.

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We study the equivalence principle and its violations by quantum effects in scalar-tensor theories that admit a conformal frame in which matter only couples to the spacetime metric. These theories possess Ward identities that guarantee the validity of the weak equivalence principle to all orders in the matter coupling constants. These Ward identities originate from a broken Weyl symmetry under which the scalar field transforms by a shift, and from the symmetry required to couple a massless spin two particle to matter (diffeomorphism invariance). But the same identities also predict violations of the weak equivalence principle relatively suppressed by at least two powers of the gravitational couplings, and imply that quantum corrections do not preserve the structure of the action of these theories. We illustrate our analysis with a set of specific examples for spin zero and spin half matter fields that show why matter couplings do respect the equivalence principle, and how the couplings to the gravitational scalar lead to the weak equivalence principle violations predicted by the Ward identities.
Degenerate scalar-tensor theories of gravity extend general relativity by a single degree of freedom, despite their equations of motion being higher than second order. In some cases, this is a mere consequence of a disformal field redefinition carried out in a non-degenerate theory. More generally, this is made possible by the existence of an additional constraint that removes the would-be ghost. It has been noted that this constraint can be thwarted when the coupling to matter involves time derivatives of the metric, which results in a modification of the canonical momenta of the gravitational sector. In this note we expand on this issue by analyzing the precise ways in which the extra degree of freedom may reappear upon minimal coupling to matter. Specifically, we study examples of matter sectors that lead either to a direct loss of the special constraint or to a failure to generate a pair of secondary constraints. We also discuss the recurrence of the extra degree of freedom using the language of disformal transformations in particular for what concerns veiled gravity. On the positive side, we show that the minimal coupling of spinor fields is healthy and does not spoil the additional constraint. We argue that this virtue of spinor fields to preserve the number of degrees of freedom in the presence of higher derivatives is actually very general and can be seen from the level decomposition of Grassmann-valued classical variables.
The final ringdown phase in a coalescence process is a valuable laboratory to test General Relativity and potentially constrain additional degrees of freedom in the gravitational sector. We introduce here an effective description for perturbations around spherically symmetric spacetimes in the context of scalar-tensor theories, which we apply to study quasi-normal modes for black holes with scalar hair. We derive the equations of motion governing the dynamics of both the polar and the axial modes in terms of the coefficients of the effective theory. Assuming the deviation of the background from Schwarzschild is small, we use the WKB method to introduce the notion of light ring expansion. This approximation is analogous to the slow-roll expansion used for inflation, and it allows us to express the quasinormal mode spectrum in terms of a small number of parameters. This work is a first step in describing, in a model independent way, how the scalar hair can affect the ringdown stage and leave signatures on the emitted gravitational wave signal. Potential signatures include the shifting of the quasi-normal spectrum, the breaking of isospectrality between polar and axial modes, and the existence of scalar radiation.
Pulsars in close binary systems have provided some of the most stringent tests of strong-field gravity to date. The pulsar--white-dwarf binary system J1141-6545 is specifically interesting due to its gravitational asymmetry which makes it one of the most powerful probes of tensor-scalar theories of gravity. We give an overview of current gravitational tests provided by the J1141-6545 binary system and comment on how anomalous accelerations, geodetic precession and timing instabilities may be prevented from limiting future tests of gravity to come from this system.
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