The close relation between border and Pommaret marked bases

Abstract in English

Given a finite order ideal $mathcal O$ in the polynomial ring $K[x_1,dots, x_n]$ over a field $K$, let $partial mathcal O$ be the border of $mathcal O$ and $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$ the Pommaret basis of the ideal generated by the terms outside $mathcal O$. In the framework of reduction structures introduced by Ceria, Mora, Roggero in 2019, we investigate relations among $partialmathcal O$-marked sets (resp. bases) and $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$-marked sets (resp. bases). We prove that a $partialmathcal O$-marked set $B$ is a marked basis if and only if the $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$-marked set $P$ contained in $B$ is a marked basis and generates the same ideal as $B$. Using a functorial description of these marked bases, as a byproduct we obtain that the affine schemes respectively parameterizing $partialmathcal O$-marked bases and $mathcal P_{mathcal O}$-marked bases are isomorphic. We are able to describe this isomorphism as a projection that can be explicitly constructed without the use of Grobner elimination techniques. In particular, we obtain a straightforward embedding of border schemes in smaller affine spaces. Furthermore, we observe that Pommaret marked schemes give an open covering of punctual Hilbert schemes. Several examples are given along all the paper.
