A local-global principle for preordered semirings and abstract Positivstellensatze

Abstract in English

Motivated by trying to find a new proof of Artins theorem on positive polynomials, we state and prove a Positivstellensatz for preordered semirings in the form of a local-global principle. It relates the given algebraic order on a suitably well-behaved semiring to the geometrical order defined in terms of a probing by homomorphisms to test algebras. We introduce and study the latter as structures intended to capture the behaviour of a semiring element in the infinitesimal neighbourhoods of a real point of the real spectrum. As first applications of our local-global principle, we prove two abstract non-Archimedean Positivstellensatze. The first one is a non-Archimedean generalization of the classical Positivstellensatz of Krivine-Kadison-Dubois, while the second one is deeper. A companion paper will use our second Positivstellensatz to derive an asymptotic classification of random walks on locally compact abelian groups. As an important intermediate result, we develop an abstract Positivstellensatz for preordered semifields which states that a semifield preorder is always the intersection of its total extensions. We also introduce quasiordered rings and develop some of their theory. While these are related to Marshalls $T$-modules, we argue that quasiordered rings offer an improved definition which puts them among the basic objects of study for real algebra.
