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Quantum criticality has been invoked as being essential to the understanding of a wide range of exotic electronic behavior, including heavy Fermion and unconventional superconductivity, but conclusive evidence of quantum critical fluctuations has been elusive in many materials of current interest. An expected characteristic feature of quantum criticality is power law behavior of thermodynamic quantities as a function of a non-thermal tuning parameter close to the quantum critical point (QCP). In the present work, we observe power law behavior of the critical temperature of the coupled nematic/structural phase transition as a function of uniaxial stress in a representative family of Fe-based superconductors. Our measurements provide direct evidence of quantum critical nematic fluctuations in this material. Furthermore, these quantum critical fluctuations are not confined within a narrow regime around the QCP, but extend over a wide range of temperatures and tuning parameters.
Theoretically, it is commonly held that in metals near a nematic quantum critical point the electronic excitations become incoherent on the entire `hot Fermi surface, triggering non Fermi liquid behavior. However, such conclusions are based on electron-only theories, ignoring a symmetry-allowed coupling between the electronic nematic variable and a suitable crystalline lattice strain. Here we show that including this coupling leads to entirely different conclusions because the critical fluctuations are mostly cutoff by the non-critical lattice shear modes. At sufficiently low temperatures the thermodynamics remain Fermi liquid type, while, depending on the Fermi surface geometry, either the entire Fermi surface stays cold, or at most there are hot spots. In particular, our predictions are relevant for the iron-based superconductors.
Many unconventional superconductors exhibit a common set of anomalous charge transport properties that characterize them as `strange metals, which provides hope that there is single theory that describes them. However, model-independent connections between the strange metal and superconductivity have remained elusive. In this letter, we show that the Hall effect of the unconventional superconductor BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$ contains an anomalous contribution arising from the correlations within the strange metal. This term has a distinctive dependence on magnetic field, which allows us to track its behavior across the doping-temperature phase diagram, even under the superconducting dome. These measurements demonstrate that the strange metal Hall component emanates from a quantum critical point and, in the zero temperature limit, decays in proportion to the superconducting critical temperature. This creates a clear and novel connection between quantum criticality and superconductivity, and suggests that similar connections exist in other strange metal superconductors.
In the iron-based superconductors, both nematic and magnetic fluctuations are expected to enhance superconductivity and may originate from a quantum critical point hidden beneath the superconducting dome. The behavior of the non-superconducting state can be an important piece of the puzzle, motivating in this paper the use of high magnetic fields to suppress superconductivity and measure the nematic susceptibility of the normal state at low temperatures. We describe experimental advances which make it possible to measure a resistive gauge factor (which is a proxy for the nematic susceptibility) in the field-induced normal state in a 65 T pulsed magnet, and report measurements of the gauge factor of a micromachined single crystal of Ba(Fe$_{0.926}$Co$_{0.074}$)$_2$As$_2$ at temperatures down to 1.2 K. The nematic susceptibility increases monotonically in the field-induced normal state as the temperature decreases, consistent with the presence of a quantum critical point nearby in composition.
We discuss a series of thermodynamic, magnetic and electrical transport experiments on the two heavy fermion compounds CeNi2Ge2 and YbRh2Si2 in which magnetic fields, B, are used to tune the systems from a Non-Fermi liquid (NFL) into a field-induced FL state. Upon approaching the quantum-critical points from the FL side by reducing B we analyze the heavy quasiparticle (QP) mass and QP-QP scattering cross sections. For CeNi2Ge2 the observed behavior agrees well with the predictions of the spin-density wave (SDW) scenario for three-dimensional (3D) critical spin-fluctuations. By contrast, the observed singularity in YbRh2Si2 cannot be explained by the itinerant SDW theory for neither 3D nor 2D critical spinfluctuations. Furthermore, we investigate the magnetization M(B) at high magnetic fields. For CeNi2Ge2 a metamagnetic transition is observed at 43 T, whereas for YbRh2Si2 a kink-like anomaly occurs at 10 T in M vs B (applied along the easy basal plane) above which the heavy fermion state is completely suppressed.
We have investigated the spin dynamics in the bilayered perovskite Sr3Ru2O7 as a function of magnetic field and temperature using 17O-NMR. This system sits close to a metamagnetic quantum critical point (MMQCP) for the field perpendicular to the ruthenium oxide planes. We confirm Fermi-liquid behavior at low temperatures except for a narrow field region close to the MMQCP. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature 1/T1T is enhanced on approaching the metamagnetic critical field of 7.9 T and at the critical field 1/T1T continues to increase and does not show Fermi- liquid behavior down to 0.3 K. The temperature dependence of T1T in this region suggests the critical temperature Theta to be 0 K, which is a strong evidence that the spin dynamics possesses a quantum critical character. Comparison between uniform susceptibility and 1/T1T reveals that antiferromagnetic fluctuations instead of two-dimensional ferromagnetic fluctuations dominate the spin fluctuation spectrum at the critical field, which is unexpected for itinerant metamagnetism.