Quantum Semantic Learning by Reverse Annealing an Adiabatic Quantum Computer

Abstract in English

Boltzmann Machines constitute a class of neural networks with applications to image reconstruction, pattern classification and unsupervised learning in general. Their most common variants, called Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) exhibit a good trade-off between computability on existing silicon-based hardware and generality of possible applications. Still, the diffusion of RBMs is quite limited, since their training process proves to be hard. The advent of commercial Adiabatic Quantum Computers (AQCs) raised the expectation that the implementations of RBMs on such quantum devices could increase the training speed with respect to conventional hardware. To date, however, the implementation of RBM networks on AQCs has been limited by the low qubit connectivity when each qubit acts as a node of the neural network. Here we demonstrate the feasibility of a complete RBM on AQCs, thanks to an embedding that associates its nodes to virtual qubits, thus outperforming previous implementations based on incomplete graphs. Moreover, to accelerate the learning, we implement a semantic quantum search which, contrary to previous proposals, takes the input data as initial boundary conditions to start each learning step of the RBM, thanks to a reverse annealing schedule. Such an approach, unlike the more conventional forward annealing schedule, allows sampling configurations in a meaningful neighborhood of the training data, mimicking the behavior of the classical Gibbs sampling algorithm. We show that the learning based on reverse annealing quickly raises the sampling probability of a meaningful subset of the set of the configurations. Even without a proper optimization of the annealing schedule, the RBM semantically trained by reverse annealing achieves better scores on reconstruction tasks.
