A highly efficient integrated source of twisted single-photons

Abstract in English

Photons with a helical phase front (twisted photons) can carry a discrete, in principle, unbounded amount of orbital angular momentum (OAM). Twisted single-photons have been demonstrated as a high-dimensional quantum system with information processing ability far beyond the widely used two-level qubits. To date, the generations of single-photons carrying OAM merely rely on the non-linear process in bulk crystals, e.g., spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), which unavoidably limits both the efficiency and the scalability of the source. Therefore, an on-demand OAM quantum light source on a semiconductor chip is yet illusive and highly desirable for integrated photonic quantum technologies. Here we demonstrate highly-efficient emission of twisted single-photons from solid-state quantum emitters embedded in a microring with angular gratings. The cavity QED effect allows the generations of single-photons and encoding OAM in the same nanostructure and therefore enables the realization of devices with very small footprints and great scalability. The OAM states of singe-photons are clearly identified via quantum interference of single-photons with themselves. Our device may boost the development of integrated quantum photonic devices with potential applications towards high-dimensional quantum information processing.
