Robust stability of quantum interference realized by coexisting detuned and resonant STIRAPs

Abstract in English

Inspired by a recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Letts. textbf{122}, 253201(2019)] that an unprecedented quantum interference was observed in the way of Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) due to the coexisting resonant- and detuned-STIRAPs, we comprehensively study this effect for uncovering its robustness towards the external-field fluctuations of laser noise, imperfect resonance condition as well as the excited-state decaying. We verify that, an auxiliary dynamical phase accumulated in hold time caused by the quasi-dark state can sensitively manipulate the visibility and frequency of the interference fringe, representing a new hallmark to measure the hyperfine energy accurately. The robust stability of scheme comes from the intrinsic superiority embedded in STIRAP itself, which promises a remarkable preservation of the quantum interference quality in a practical implementation.
