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Coupling phase-stable single-cycle terahertz (THz) pulses to scanning tunneling microscope (STM) junctions enables spatio-temporal imaging with femtosecond temporal and r{A}ngstrom spatial resolution. The time resolution achieved in such THz-gated STM is ultimately limited by the sub-cycle temporal variation of the tip-enhanced THz field acting as an ultrafast voltage pulse, and hence by the ability to feed high-frequency, broadband THz pulses into the junction. Here, we report on the coupling of ultrabroadband (1-30 THz) single-cycle THz pulses from a spintronic THz emitter(STE) into a metallic STM junction. We demonstrate broadband phase-resolved detection of the THz voltage transient directly in the STM junction via THz-field-induced modulation of ultrafast photocurrents. Comparison to the unperturbed far-field THz waveform reveals the antenna response of the STM tip. Despite tip-induced low-pass filtering, frequencies up to 15 THz can be detected in the tip-enhanced near-field, resulting in THz transients with a half-cycle period of 115 fs. We further demonstrate simple polarity control of the THz bias via the STE magnetization, and show that up to 2 V THz bias at 1 MHz repetition rate can be achieved in the current setup. Finally, we find a nearly constant THz voltage and waveform over a wide range of tip-sample distances, which by comparison to numerical simulations confirms the quasi-static nature of the THz pulses. Our results demonstrate the suitability of spintronic THz emitters for ultrafast THz-STM with unprecedented bandwidth of the THz bias, and provide insight into the femtosecond response of defined nanoscale junctions.
We describe the design, construction, and performance of an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunneling microscope (STM) capable of imaging at dilution-refrigerator temperatures and equipped with a vector magnet. The primary objective of our design is to achieve a high level of modularity by partitioning the STM system into a set of easily separable, interchangeable components. This naturally segregates the UHV needs of STM instrumentation from the typically non-UHV construction of a dilution refrigerator, facilitating the usage of non-UHV materials while maintaining a fully bakeable UHV chamber that houses the STM. The modular design also permits speedy removal of the microscope head from the rest of the system, allowing for repairs, modifications, and even replacement of the entire microscope head to be made at any time without warming the cryostat or compromising the vacuum. Without using cryogenic filters, we measured an electron temperature of 184 mK on a superconducting Al(100) single crystal.
The molecular dark state participates in many important photon-induced processes, yet is typically beyond the optical-spectroscopic measurement due to the forbidden transition dictated by the selection rule. In this work, we propose to use the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) as an incisive tool to directly profile the dark-state transition density of a single molecule, taking advantage of the localized static electronic field near the metal tip. The detection of dark state is achieved by measuring the fluorescence from a higher bright state to the ground state with assistant optical pumping. The current proposal shall bring new methodology to study the single-molecule properties in the electro-optical devices and the light-assisted biological processes.
We present a probe-type scanning tunneling microscope (STM) with atomic resolution that is designed to be directly inserted and work in a harsh vibrational cryogen-free superconducting magnet system. When a commercial variable temperature insert (VTI) is installed in the magnet and the STM is in turn housed in the VTI, a lowest temperature of 1.6 K can be achieved, where the STM still operates well. We have tested it in an 8 T superconducting magnet cooled with the pulse-tube cryocooler (PTC) and obtained atomically revolved graphite and NiSe2 images as well as the scanning tunneling spectrum (STS, i.e. dI/dV spectrum) data of the latter near its critical temperature, which show the formation process of the superconducting gap as a function of temperature. The drifting rates of the STM at 1.6 K in X-Y plane and Z direction are 1.15 and 1.71 pm/min respectively. Noise analysis for the tunneling current shows that the amplitudes of the dominant peaks (6.84 and 10.25Hz) are low. This is important as a cryogen-free magnet system has long been considered too harsh for any atomic resolution measurement.
We present the main features of a home-built scanning tunneling microscope that has been attached to the mixing chamber of a dilution refrigerator. It allows scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy measurements down to the base temperature of the cryostat, T approx. 30mK, and in applied magnetic fields up to 13T. The topography of both highly-ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and the dichalcogenide superconductor NbSe2 have been imaged with atomic resolution down to T approx. 50mK as determined from a resistance thermometer adjacent to the sample. As a test for a successful operation in magnetic fields, the flux-line lattice of superconducting NbSe2 in low magnetic fields has been studied. The lattice constant of the Abrikosov lattice shows the expected field dependence B^{-0.5} and measurements in the STS mode clearly show the superconductive density of states with Andreev bound states in the vortex core.
The electroluminescence of a polythiophene wire suspended between two metallic electrodes is probed using a scanning tunneling microscope. Under positive sample voltage, the spectral and voltage dependencies of the emitted light are consistent with the fluorescence of the wire junction mediated by localized plasmons. This emission is strongly attenuated for the opposite polarity. Both emission mechanism and polarity dependence are similar to what occurs in organic light emitting diodes (OLED) but at the level of a single molecular wire.