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Style transfer has recently received a lot of attention, since it allows to study fundamental challenges in image understanding and synthesis. Recent work has significantly improved the representation of color and texture and computational speed and image resolution. The explicit transformation of image content has, however, been mostly neglected: while artistic style affects formal characteristics of an image, such as color, shape or texture, it also deforms, adds or removes content details. This paper explicitly focuses on a content-and style-aware stylization of a content image. Therefore, we introduce a content transformation module between the encoder and decoder. Moreover, we utilize similar content appearing in photographs and style samples to learn how style alters content details and we generalize this to other class details. Additionally, this work presents a novel normalization layer critical for high resolution image synthesis. The robustness and speed of our model enables a video stylization in real-time and high definition. We perform extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations to demonstrate the validity of our approach.
Recently, style transfer has received a lot of attention. While much of this research has aimed at speeding up processing, the approaches are still lacking from a principled, art historical standpoint: a style is more than just a single image or an artist, but previous work is limited to only a single instance of a style or shows no benefit from more images. Moreover, previous work has relied on a direct comparison of art in the domain of RGB images or on CNNs pre-trained on ImageNet, which requires millions of labeled object bounding boxes and can introduce an extra bias, since it has been assembled without artistic consideration. To circumvent these issues, we propose a style-aware content loss, which is trained jointly with a deep encoder-decoder network for real-time, high-resolution stylization of images and videos. We propose a quantitative measure for evaluating the quality of a stylized image and also have art historians rank patches from our approach against those from previous work. These and our qualitative results ranging from small image patches to megapixel stylistic images and videos show that our approach better captures the subtle nature in which a style affects content.
This paper presents a content-aware style transfer algorithm for paintings and photos of similar content using pre-trained neural network, obtaining better results than the previous work. In addition, the numerical experiments show that the style pattern and the content information is not completely separated by neural network.
Style transfer is to render given image contents in given styles, and it has an important role in both computer vision fundamental research and industrial applications. Following the success of deep learning based approaches, this problem has been re-launched recently, but still remains a difficult task because of trade-off between preserving contents and faithful rendering of styles. Indeed, how well-balanced content and style are is crucial in evaluating the quality of stylized images. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end two-stream Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) aiming at balancing the contributions of the content and the style in rendered images. Our proposed network consists of the encoder and decoder parts. The encoder part utilizes a FCN for content and a FCN for style where the two FCNs have feature injections and are independently trained to preserve the semantic content and to learn the faithful style representation in each. The semantic content feature and the style representation feature are then concatenated adaptively and fed into the decoder to generate style-transferred (stylized) images. In order to train our proposed network, we employ a loss network, the pre-trained VGG-16, to compute content loss and style loss, both of which are efficiently used for the feature injection as well as the feature concatenation. Our intensive experiments show that our proposed model generates more balanced stylized images in content and style than state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, our proposed network achieves efficiency in speed.
Neural style transfer is an emerging technique which is able to endow daily-life images with attractive artistic styles. Previous work has succeeded in applying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to style transfer for monocular images or videos. However, style transfer for stereoscopic images is still a missing piece. Different from processing a monocular image, the two views of a stylized stereoscopic pair are required to be consistent to provide observers a comfortable visual experience. In this paper, we propose a novel dual path network for view-consistent style transfer on stereoscopic images. While each view of the stereoscopic pair is processed in an individual path, a novel feature aggregation strategy is proposed to effectively share information between the two paths. Besides a traditional perceptual loss being used for controlling the style transfer quality in each view, a multi-layer view loss is leveraged to enforce the network to coordinate the learning of both the paths to generate view-consistent stylized results. Extensive experiments show that, compared against previous methods, our proposed model can produce stylized stereoscopic images which achieve decent view consistency.
Despite having promising results, style transfer, which requires preparing style images in advance, may result in lack of creativity and accessibility. Following human instruction, on the other hand, is the most natural way to perform artistic style transfer that can significantly improve controllability for visual effect applications. We introduce a new task -- language-driven image style transfer (texttt{LDIST}) -- to manipulate the style of a content image, guided by a text. We propose contrastive language visual artist (CLVA) that learns to extract visual semantics from style instructions and accomplish texttt{LDIST} by the patch-wise style discriminator. The discriminator considers the correlation between language and patches of style images or transferred results to jointly embed style instructions. CLVA further compares contrastive pairs of content image and style instruction to improve the mutual relativeness between transfer results. The transferred results from the same content image can preserve consistent content structures. Besides, they should present analogous style patterns from style instructions that contain similar visual semantics. The experiments show that our CLVA is effective and achieves superb transferred results on texttt{LDIST}.