A multi-plank generalization of the Bang and Kadets inequalities

Abstract in English

If a convex body $K subset mathbb{R}^n$ is covered by the union of convex bodies $C_1, ldots, C_N$, multiple subadditivity questions can be asked. Two classical results regard the subadditivity of the width (the smallest distance between two parallel hyperplanes that sandwich $K$) and the inradius (the largest radius of a ball contained in $K$): the sum of the widths of the $C_i$ is at least the width of $K$ (this is the plank theorem of Thoger Bang), and the sum of the inradii of the $C_i$ is at least the inradius of $K$ (this is due to Vladimir Kadets). We adapt the existing proofs of these results to prove a theorem on coverings by certain generalized non-convex multi-planks. One corollary of this approach is a family of inequalities interpolating between Bangs theorem and Kadetss theorem. Other corollaries include results reminiscent of the Davenport--Alexander problem, such as the following: if an $m$-slice pizza cutter (that is, the union of $m$ equiangular rays in the plane with the same endpoint) in applied $N$ times to the unit disk, then there will be a piece of the partition of inradius at least $frac{sin pi/m}{N + sin pi/m}$.
