Doubleverse entanglement in third quantized non-minimally coupled varying constants cosmologies

Abstract in English

In this paper we consider a third quantized cosmological model with varying speed of light $c$ and varying gravitational constant $G$ both represented by non-minimally coupled scalar fields. The third quantization of such a model leads to a scenario of the doubleverse with the two components being quantum mechanically entangled. We calculate the two parameters describing the entanglement, namely: the energy and the entropy of entanglement where the latter appears to be a proper measure of the entanglement. We consider a possibility that the entanglement can manifests itself as an effective perfect fluid characterized by the time dependent barotropic index $w_{eff}$, which for some specific case corresponds to the fluid of cosmic strings. It seems that such an entanglement induced effective perfect fluid may generate significant backreaction effect at early times.
