Human Activity Recognition using Multi-Head CNN followed by LSTM

Abstract in English

This study presents a novel method to recognize human physical activities using CNN followed by LSTM. Achieving high accuracy by traditional machine learning algorithms, (such as SVM, KNN and random forest method) is a challenging task because the data acquired from the wearable sensors like accelerometer and gyroscope is a time-series data. So, to achieve high accuracy, we propose a multi-head CNN model comprising of three CNNs to extract features for the data acquired from different sensors and all three CNNs are then merged, which are followed by an LSTM layer and a dense layer. The configuration of all three CNNs is kept the same so that the same number of features are obtained for every input to CNN. By using the proposed method, we achieve state-of-the-art accuracy, which is comparable to traditional machine learning algorithms and other deep neural network algorithms.
