Localized magnetic field structures and their boundaries in the near-Sun solar wind from Parker Solar Probe measurements

Abstract in English

One of the discoveries made by Parker Solar Probe during first encounters with the Sun is the ubiquitous presence of relatively small-scale structures standing out as sudden deflections of the magnetic field. They were called switchbacks as some of them show up the full reversal of the radial component of the magnetic field and then return to regular conditions. Analyzing the magnetic field and plasma perturbations associated with switchbacks we identify three types of structures with slightly different characteristics: 1. Alfvenic structures, where the variations of the magnetic field components take place while the magnitude of the field remains constant; 2. Compressional, the field magnitude varies together with changes of the components; 3. Structures manifesting full reversal of the magnetic field (extremal class of Alfvenic structures). Processing of structures boundaries and plasma bulk velocity perturbations lead to the conclusion that they represent localized magnetic field tubes with enhanced parallel plasma velocity and ion beta moving together with respect to surrounding plasma. The magnetic field deflections before and after the switchbacks reveal the existence of total axial current. The electric currents are concentrated on the relatively narrow boundary layers on the surface of the tubes and determine the magnetic field perturbations inside the tube. These currents are closed on the structure surface, and typically have comparable azimuthal and the axial components. The surface of the structure may also accommodate an electromagnetic wave, that assists to particles in carrying currents. We suggest that the two types of structures we analyzed here may represent the local manifestations of the tube deformations corresponding to a saturated stage of the Firehose instability development.
