Effect of magnons on the temperature dependence and anisotropy of spin-orbit torque

Abstract in English

We investigate the influence of magnons on the temperature-dependence and the anisotropy of the spin-orbit torque (SOT). For this purpose we use 3rd order perturbation theory in the framework of the Keldysh formalism in order to derive suitable equations to compute the magnonic SOT. We find several contributions to the magnonic SOT, which depend differently on the spin-wave stiffness $mathcal{A}$ and on the temperature $T$, with the dominating contribution scaling like $T^{2}/mathcal{A}^{2}$. Based on this formalism we compute the magnonic SOT in the ferromagnetic Rashba model. For large Rashba parameters the magnonic SOT is strongly anisotropic and for small quasiparticle broadening it may become larger than the non-magnonic SOT.
