Broad-band spectral energy distribution of the X-ray transient Swift J1745-26 from outburst to quiescence

Abstract in English

We study the X-ray transient Swift J1745-26, using observations obtained from its outburst in September 2012, up to its decay towards quiescence in March 2013. We obtained optical and infrared observations, through override programme at ESO/VLT with FORS2 and ISAAC instruments, and archival optical (VLT/VIRCAM), radio and X-ray (Swift) observations, to build the lightcurve and the broad-band Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of Swift J1745-26. We show that, during its outburst and also during its decay towards quiescence, Swift J1745-26 SED can be adjusted, from infrared up to X-rays, by the sum of both a viscous irradiated multi-colour blackbody emitted by an accretion disk, and a synchrotron powerlaw at high energy. In the radio domain, the SED arises from synchrotron emission from the jet. While our SED fitting confirms that the source remained in the low/hard state during its outburst, we determine an X-ray spectral break at frequency 3.1 < nu_break < 3.4 x 10^14 Hz, and a radio spectral break at 10^12 Hz < nu_break < 10^13 Hz. We also show that the system is compatible with an absorption Av of ~7.69 magnitudes, lies within a distance interval of D~[2.6-4.8] kpc, with an upper limit of orbital period P_orb = 11.3 hours, and that the companion star is a late-type star of spectral type in the range K0 - M0 V, confirming that the system is a low-mass X-ray binary. We finally plot the position of Swift J1745-26 on an optical-infrared - X-ray luminosity diagram: its localization on this diagram is consistent with the source staying in the low-hard state during outburst and decay phases.
