Customer-server population dynamics in heavy traffic

Abstract in English

We study a many-server queueing model with server vacations, where the population size dynamics of servers and customers are coupled: a server may leave for vacation only when no customers await, and the capacity available to customers is directly affected by the number of servers on vacation. We focus on scaling regimes in which server dynamics and queue dynamics fluctuate at matching time scales, so that their limiting dynamics are coupled. Specifically, we argue that interesting coupled dynamics occur in (a) the Halfin-Whitt regime, (b) the nondegenerate slowdown regime, and (c) the intermediate, near Halfin-Whitt regime; whereas the dynamics asymptotically decouple in the other heavy traffic regimes. We characterize the limiting dynamics, which are different for each scaling regime. We consider relevant respective performance measures for regimes (a) and (b) --- namely, the probability of wait and the slowdown. While closed form formulas for these performance measures have been derived for models that do not accommodate server vacations, it is difficult to obtain closed form formulas for these performance measures in the setting with server vacations. Instead, we propose formulas that approximate these performance measures, and depend on the steady-state mean number of available servers and previously derived formulas for models without server vacations. We test the accuracy of these formulas numerically.
