Double Andreev reflections and double normal reflections in nodal-line semimetal-superconductor junctions

Abstract in English

We study systematically the scattering processes and the conductance spectra in nodal-line semimetalsuperconductor junctions using the extended Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk theory. The coexistence of peculiar quadruple reflections are found, which are the specular normal reflection, the retro-normal reflection, the specular Andreev reflection and the retro-Andreev reflection. The incident angle dependence and the quasiparticle energy dependence of the double normal reflections and the double Andreev reflections are investigated under various values of parameters such as the interfacial barrier height, the chemical potentials, and the orbital coupling strength. It is found that the appearance and the disappearance of the reflections and their magnitudes can be controlled through tuning these parameters. The scattering mechanism for the reflections are analyzed in details from the viewpoint of the band structure. We also investigate the conductance spectra for the junctions, which show distinctive features and strong anisotropy about the orientation relationships of the nodal line and interface. The unique scattering processes and conductance spectra found in the junctions are helpful in designing superconducting electronic devices and searching for the nodal line in materials experimentally.
