The double scaled limit of Super--Symmetric SYK models

Abstract in English

We compute the exact density of states and 2-point function of the $mathcal{N} =2$ super-symmetric SYK model in the large $N$ double-scaled limit, by using combinatorial tools that relate the moments of the distribution to sums over oriented chord diagrams. In particular we show how SUSY is realized on the (highly degenerate) Hilbert space of chords. We further calculate analytically the number of ground states of the model in each charge sector at finite $N$, and compare it to the results from the double-scaled limit. Our results reduce to the super-Schwarzian action in the low energy short interaction length limit. They imply that the conformal ansatz of the 2-point function is inconsistent due to the large number of ground states, and we show how to add this contribution. We also discuss the relation of the model to $SL_q(2|1)$. For completeness we present an overview of the $mathcal{N}=1$ super-symmetric SYK model in the large $N$ double-scaled limit.
