Nuclear shadowing in DIS at electron-ion colliders

Abstract in English

We present a revision of predictions for nuclear shadowing in deep-inelastic scattering at small Bjorken $x_{Bj}$ corresponding to kinematic regions accessible by the future experiments at electron-ion colliders. The nuclear shadowing is treated within the color dipole formalism based on the rigorous Green function technique. This allows incorporating naturally color transparency and coherence length effects, which are not consistently and properly included in present calculations. For the lowest $|qbar qrangle$ Fock component of the photon, our calculations are based on an exact numerical solution of the evolution equation for the Green function. Here the magnitude of shadowing is tested using a realistic form for the nuclear density function, as well as various phenomenological models for the dipole cross section. The corresponding variation of the transverse size of the $qbar q$ photon fluctuations is important for $x_{Bj}gtrsim 10^{-4}$, on the contrary with the most of other models, which use frequently only the eikonal approximation with the frozen transverse size. At $x_{Bj}lesssim 0.01$ we calculate within the same formalism also a shadowing correction for the higher Fock component of the photon containing gluons. The corresponding magnitudes of gluon shadowing correction are compared adopting different phenomenological dipole models. Our results are tested by available data from the E665 and NMC collaborations. Finally, the magnitude of nuclear shadowing is predicted for various kinematic regions that should be scanned by the future experiments at electron-ion colliders.
