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Surface-localized transmission eigenstates, super-resolution imaging and pseudo surface plasmon modes

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 Added by Hongyu Liu
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the discovery of a novel and intriguing global geometric structure of the (interior) transmission eigenfunctions associated with the Helmholtz system. It is shown in generic scenarios that there always exists a sequence of transmission eigenfunctions with the corresponding eigenvalues going to infinity such that those eigenfunctions are localized around the boundary of the domain. We provide a comprehensive and rigorous justification in the case within the radial geometry, whereas for the non-radial case, we conduct extensive numerical experiments to quantitatively verify the localizing behaviours. The discovery provides a new perspective on wave localization. As significant applications, we develop a novel inverse scattering scheme that can produce super-resolution imaging effects and propose a method of generating the so-called pseudo surface plasmon resonant (PSPR) modes with a potential sensing application.

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Consider the transmission eigenvalue problem [ (Delta+k^2mathbf{n}^2) w=0, (Delta+k^2)v=0 mbox{in} Omega;quad w=v, partial_ u w=partial_ u v=0 mbox{on} partialOmega. ] It is shown in [12] that there exists a sequence of eigenfunctions $(w_m, v_m)_{minmathbb{N}}$ associated with $k_mrightarrow infty$ such that either ${w_m}_{minmathbb{N}}$ or ${v_m}_{minmathbb{N}}$ are surface-localized, depending on $mathbf{n}>1$ or $0<mathbf{n}<1$. In this paper, we discover a new type of surface-localized transmission eigenmodes by constructing a sequence of transmission eigenfunctions $(w_m, v_m)_{minmathbb{N}}$ associated with $k_mrightarrow infty$ such that both ${w_m}_{minmathbb{N}}$ and ${v_m}_{minmathbb{N}}$ are surface-localized, no matter $mathbf{n}>1$ or $0<mathbf{n}<1$. Though our study is confined within the radial geometry, the construction is subtle and technical.
The use of photonic crystal and negative refractive index materials is known to improve resolution of optical microscopy and lithography devices down to 80 nm level. Here we demonstrate that utilization of well-known digital image recovery techniques allows us to further improve resolution of optical microscope down to 30 nm level. Our microscope is based on a flat dielectric mirror deposited onto an array of nanoholes in thin gold film. This two-dimensional photonic crystal mirror may have either positive or negative effective refractive index as perceived by surface plasmon polartions in the visible frequency range. The optical images formed by the mirror are enhanced using simple digital filters.
Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds are interesting due to their remarkable characteristics that are well suited to applications in quantum-information processing and magnetic field sensing, as well as representing stable fluorescent sources. Multiple NV centers in nanodiamonds (NDs) are especially useful as biological fluorophores due to their chemical neutrality, brightness and room-temperature photostability. Furthermore, NDs containing multiple NV centers also have potential in high-precision magnetic field and temperature sensing. Coupling NV centers to propagating surface plasmon polariton (SPP) modes gives a base for lab-on-a-chip sensing devices, allows enhanced fluorescence emission and collection which can further enhance the precision of NV-based sensors. Here, we investigate coupling of multiple NV centers in individual NDs to the SPP modes supported by silver surfaces protected by thin dielectric layers and by gold V-grooves (VGs) produced via the self-terminated silicon etching. In the first case, we concentrate on monitoring differences in fluorescence spectra obtained from a source ND, which is illuminated by a pump laser, and from a scattering ND illuminated only by the fluorescence-excited SPP radiation. In the second case, we observe changes in the average NV lifetime when the same ND is characterized outside and inside a VG. Fluorescence emission from the VG terminations is also observed, which confirms the NV coupling to the VG-supported SPP modes.
Surface plasmon-polaritons have recently attracted renewed interest in the scientific community for their potential in sub-wavelength optics, light generation and non-destructive sensing. Given that they cannot be directly excited by freely propagating light due to their intrinsical binding to the metal surface, the light-plasmon coupling efficiency becomes of crucial importance for the success of any plasmonic device. Here we present a comprehensive study on the modulation (enhancement or suppression) of such coupling efficiency by means of one-dimensional surface corrugation. Our approach is based on simple wave interference and enables us to make quantitative predictions which have been experimentally confirmed at both the near infra-red and telecom ranges.
Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are collective excitations of free electrons propagating along a metal-dielectric interface. Although some basic quantum properties of SPPs, such as the preservation of entanglement, the wave-particle duality of a single plasmon, the quantum interference of two plasmons, and the verification of entanglement generation, have been shown, more advanced quantum information protocols have yet to be demonstrated with SPPs. Here, we experimentally realize quantum state teleportation between single photons and SPPs. To achieve this, we use polarization-entangled photon pairs, coherent photon-plasmon-photon conversion on a metallic subwavelength hole array, complete Bell-state measurements and an active feed-forward technique. The results of both quantum state and quantum process tomography confirm the quantum nature of the SPP mediated teleportation. An average state fidelity of 0.889$pm$0.004 and a process fidelity of 0.820$pm$0.005, which are well above the classical limit, are achieved. Our work shows that SPPs may be useful for realizing complex quantum protocols in a photonic-plasmonic hybrid quantum network.
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