The UTMOST pulsar timing programme II: Timing noise across the pulsar population

Abstract in English

While pulsars possess exceptional rotational stability, large scale timing studies have revealed at least two distinct types of irregularities in their rotation: red timing noise and glitches. Using modern Bayesian techniques, we investigated the timing noise properties of 300 bright southern-sky radio pulsars that have been observed over 1.0-4.8 years by the upgraded Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST). We reanalysed the spin and spin-down changes associated with nine previously reported pulsar glitches, report the discovery of three new glitches and four unusual glitch-like events in the rotational evolution of PSR J1825$-$0935. We develop a refined Bayesian framework for determining how red noise strength scales with pulsar spin frequency ($ u$) and spin-down frequency ($dot{ u}$), which we apply to a sample of 280 non-recycled pulsars. With this new method and a simple power-law scaling relation, we show that red noise strength scales across the non-recycled pulsar population as $ u^{a} |dot{ u}|^{b}$, where $a = -0.84^{+0.47}_{-0.49}$ and $b = 0.97^{+0.16}_{-0.19}$. This method can be easily adapted to utilise more complex, astrophysically motivated red noise models. Lastly, we highlight our timing of the double neutron star PSR J0737$-$3039, and the rediscovery of a bright radio pulsar originally found during the first Molonglo pulsar surveys with an incorrectly catalogued position.
