On the extensions of Kahler currents on compact K{a}hler manifolds

Abstract in English

Let $(X,omega)$ be a compact K{a}hler manifold with a K{a}hler form $omega$ of complex dimension $n$, and $Vsubset X$ is a compact complex submanifold of positive dimension $k<n$. Suppose that $V$ can be embedded in $X$ as a zero section of a holomorphic vector bundle or rank $n-k$ over $V$. Let $varphi$ be a strictly $omega|_V$-psh function on $V$. In this paper, we prove that there is a strictly $omega$-psh function $Phi$ on $X$, such that $Phi|_V=varphi$. This result gives a partial answer to an open problem raised by Collins-Tosatti and Dinew-Guedj-Zeriahi, for the case of K{a}hler currents. We also discuss possible extensions of Kahler currents in a big class.
