Dynamic Set Cover: Improved Amortized and Worst-Case Update Time

Abstract in English

In the dynamic minimum set cover problem, a challenge is to minimize the update time while guaranteeing close to the optimal $min(O(log n), f)$ approximation factor. (Throughout, $m$, $n$, $f$, and $C$ are parameters denoting the maximum number of sets, number of elements, frequency, and the cost range.) In the high-frequency range, when $f=Omega(log n)$, this was achieved by a deterministic $O(log n)$-approximation algorithm with $O(f log n)$ amortized update time [Gupta et al. STOC17]. In the low-frequency range, the line of work by Gupta et al. [STOC17], Abboud et al. [STOC19], and Bhattacharya et al. [ICALP15, IPCO17, FOCS19] led to a deterministic $(1+epsilon)f$-approximation algorithm with $O(f log (Cn)/epsilon^2)$ amortized update time. In this paper we improve the latter update time and provide the first bounds that subsume (and sometimes improve) the state-of-the-art dynamic vertex cover algorithms. We obtain: 1. $(1+epsilon)f$-approximation ratio in $O(flog^2 (Cn)/epsilon^3)$ worst-case update time: No non-trivial worst-case update time was previously known for dynamic set cover. Our bound subsumes and improves by a logarithmic factor the $O(log^3 n/text{poly}(epsilon))$ worst-case update time for unweighted dynamic vertex cover (i.e., when $f=2$ and $C=1$) by Bhattacharya et al. [SODA17]. 2. $(1+epsilon)f$-approximation ratio in $Oleft((f^2/epsilon^3)+(f/epsilon^2) log Cright)$ amortized update time: This result improves the previous $O(f log (Cn)/epsilon^2)$ update time bound for most values of $f$ in the low-frequency range, i.e. whenever $f=o(log n)$. It is the first that is independent of $m$ and $n$. It subsumes the constant amortized update time of Bhattacharya and Kulkarni [SODA19] for unweighted dynamic vertex cover (i.e., when $f = 2$ and $C = 1$).
