Cosmic microwave background bounds on primordial black holes including dark matter halo accretion

Abstract in English

Even if massive ($10,M_odot lesssim M lesssim 10^4 M_odot$) primordial black holes (PBHs) can only account for a small fraction of the dark matter (DM) in the universe, they may still be responsible for a sizable fraction of the coalescence events measured by LIGO/Virgo, and/or act as progenitors of the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) observed already at high redshift ($zgtrsim 6$). In presence of a dominant, non-PBH DM component, the bounds set by CMB via an altered ionization history are modified. We revisit the cosmological accretion of a DM halo around PBHs via toy models and dedicated numerical simulations, deriving updated CMB bounds which also take into account the last Planck data release. We prove that these constraints dominate over other constraints available in the literature at masses $Mgtrsim 20-50,M_odot$ (depending on uncertainty in accretion physics), reaching the level $f_{rm PBH}<3times 10^{-9}$ around $Msim 10^{4},M_odot$. These tight bounds are nonetheless consistent with the hypothesis of a primordial origin of the SMBH massive seeds.
