Real-time Exciton-Manipulation of Plexcitonic Coupling in a WS2-Ag nanocavity

Abstract in English

We demonstrate the real-time exciton-manipulation of plexcitonic coupling in monolayer WS2 coupled to a plasmonic nanocavity by immersing into a mixed solution of dichloromethane (DCM) and ethanol. By adjusting the mixture ratio, a continuous tuning of the Rabi splitting energy ranged from 178 meV (in ethanol) to 266 meV (in DCM) is achieved. The results are mainly attributed to the remarkable increase of the proportion of neutral exciton in the monolayer WS2 (from 59% to 100%) as the concentration of DCM is increased. It offers an important stepping stone towards a further study of plexcitonic coupling in layered materials, along with potential applications in quantum information processing and nonlinear optical materials.
