Distributed Maximum Matching Verification in CONGEST

Abstract in English

We study the maximum cardinality matching problem in a standard distributed setting, where the nodes $V$ of a given $n$-node network graph $G=(V,E)$ communicate over the edges $E$ in synchronous rounds. More specifically, we consider the distributed CONGEST model, where in each round, each node of $G$ can send an $O(log n)$-bit message to each of its neighbors. We show that for every graph $G$ and a matching $M$ of $G$, there is a randomized CONGEST algorithm to verify $M$ being a maximum matching of $G$ in time $O(|M|)$ and disprove it in time $O(D + ell)$, where $D$ is the diameter of $G$ and $ell$ is the length of a shortest augmenting path. We hope that our algorithm constitutes a significant step towards developing a CONGEST algorithm to compute a maximum matching in time $tilde{O}(s^*)$, where $s^*$ is the size of a maximum matching.
