Neutron scattering off Weyl semimetals

Abstract in English

We present how to detect type-$1$ Weyl nodes in a material by inelastic neutron scattering. Such an experiment first of all allows one to determine the dispersion of the Weyl fermions. We extend the reasoning to produce a quantitative test of the Weyl equation taking into account realistic anisotropic properties. These anisotropies are mostly contained in the form of the emergent magnetic moment of the excitations, which determines how they couple to the neutron. Although there are many material parameters, we find several quantitative predictions that are universal and demonstrate that the excitations are described by solutions to the Weyl equation. The realistic, anisotropic coupling between electrons and neutrons implies that even fully unpolarized neutrons can reveal the spin-momentum locking of the Weyl fermions because the neutrons will couple to some components of the Weyl fermion pseudospin more strongly. On the other hand, in an experiment with polarized neutrons, the scattered neutron beam remains fully polarized in a direction that varies as a function of momentum transfer (within the range of validity of the Weyl equation). This allows measurement of the chirality of Weyl fermions for inversion symmetric nodes. Furthermore, we estimate that the scattering rate may be large enough for such experiments to be practical; in particular, the magnetic moment may be larger than the ordinary Bohr magneton, compensating for a small density of states.
