ProSpect: Generating Spectral Energy Distributions with Complex Star Formation and Metallicity Histories

Abstract in English

We introduce ProSpect, a generative galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) package that encapsulates the best practices for SED methodologies in a number of astrophysical domains. ProSpect comes with two popular families of stellar population libraries (BC03 and EMILES), and a large variety of methods to construct star formation and metallicity histories. It models dust through the use of a Charlot & Fall attenuation model, with re-emission using Dale far-infrared templates. It also has the ability to model AGN through the inclusion of a simple AGN and hot torus model. Finally, it makes use of MAPPINGS-III photoionisation tables to produce line emission features. We test the generative and inversion utility of ProSpect through application to the Shark galaxy formation semi-analytic code, and informed by these results produce fits to the final ultraviolet to far-infrared photometric catalogues produces by the Galaxy and Mass Assembly Survey (GAMA). As part of the testing of ProSpect, we also produce a range of simple photometric stellar mass approximations covering a range of filters for both observed frame and rest frame photometry.
