The nucleon isovector tensor charge from lattice QCD using chiral fermions

Abstract in English

In this work we present the isovector flavor combination for the nucleon tensor charge extracted from lattice QCD simulations using overlap fermions on $N_f=2+1$ domain-wall configurations. The pion mass dependence is studied using six valence quark masses, each reproducing a value for the pion mass in the valence sector between 147 and 330 MeV. We investigate and eliminate systematic uncertainties due to contamination by excited states, by employing several values for the source-sink separation that span from 1 fm to 1.6 fm. We apply a chiral extrapolation in the valence sector using a quadratic and a logarithmic term to fit the pion mass dependence, which describes well the lattice data. The lattice matrix element is renormalized non-perturbatively, and the final result is $g_T=1.096(30)$ in the $overline{rm MS}$ scheme at a renormalization scale of 2 GeV.
