Material and debris transport patterns in Moreton Bay, Australia: The influence of Lagrangian coherent structures

Abstract in English

Coastal tidal estuaries are vital to the exchange of energy and material between inland waters and the open ocean. Debris originating from the land and ocean enter this environment and are transported by currents (river outflow and tide), wind, waves and density gradients. Understanding and predicting the source and fate of such debris has considerable environmental, economic and visual importance. We show that this issue can be addressed using the Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) technique which is highly robust to hydrodynamic model uncertainties. Here we present a comprehensive study showing the utility of this approach to describe the fate of floating material in a coastal tidal embayment. An example is given from Moreton Bay, a semi-enclosed subtropical embayment with high morphologic, ecological and economic significance to Southeast Queensland, Australia. Transport barriers visualised by the LCS create pathways and barriers for material transport in the embayment. It was found that the wind field modified both the rate attraction and location of the transport barriers. One of the key outcomes is the demonstration of the significant role of islands in partitioning the transport of material and mixing within the embayment. The distribution of the debris sources along the shoreline are explained by the relative location of the LCS to the shoreline. Therefore, extraction of LCS can help to predict sources and fate of anthropogenic marine debris and thus, serve as a useful way for effective management of vulnerable regions and marine protected areas.
