A Zero-Shot based Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection System

Abstract in English

With the development of presentation attacks, Automated Fingerprint Recognition Systems(AFRSs) are vulnerable to presentation attack. Thus, numerous methods of presentation attack detection(PAD) have been proposed to ensure the normal utilization of AFRS. However, the demand of large-scale presentation attack images and the low-level generalization ability always astrict existing PAD methods actual performances. Therefore, we propose a novel Zero-Shot Presentation Attack Detection Model to guarantee the generalization of the PAD model. The proposed ZSPAD-Model based on generative model does not utilize any negative samples in the process of establishment, which ensures the robustness for various types or materials based presentation attack. Different from other auto-encoder based model, the Fine-grained Map architecture is proposed to refine the reconstruction error of the auto-encoder networks and a task-specific gaussian model is utilized to improve the quality of clustering. Meanwhile, in order to improve the performance of the proposed model, 9 confidence scores are discussed in this article. Experimental results showed that the ZSPAD-Model is the state of the art for ZSPAD, and the MS-Score is the best confidence score. Compared with existing methods, the proposed ZSPAD-Model performs better than the feature-based method and under the multi-shot setting, the proposed method overperforms the learning based method with little training data. When large training data is available, their results are similar.
