A Strengthening of ErdH{o}s-Gallai Theorem and Proof of Woodalls Conjecture

Abstract in English

For a 2-connected graph $G$ on $n$ vertices and two vertices $x,yin V(G)$, we prove that there is an $(x,y)$-path of length at least $k$ if there are at least $frac{n-1}{2}$ vertices in $V(G)backslash {x,y}$ of degree at least $k$. This strengthens a well-known theorem due to ErdH{o}s and Gallai in 1959. As the first application of this result, we show that a 2-connected graph with $n$ vertices contains a cycle of length at least $2k$ if it has at least $frac{n}{2}+k$ vertices of degree at least $k$. This confirms a 1975 conjecture made by Woodall. As another applications, we obtain some results which generalize previous theorems of Dirac, ErdH{o}s-Gallai, Bondy, and Fujisawa et al., present short proofs of the path case of Loebl-Koml{o}s-S{o}s Conjecture which was verified by Bazgan et al. and of a conjecture of Bondy on longest cycles (for large graphs) which was confirmed by Fraisse and Fournier, and make progress on a conjecture of Bermond.
