Studies of Evolved Stars in the Next Decade: EAO Submillimetre Futures White Paper Series, 2019

Abstract in English

This white paper discusses recent progress in the field of evolved stars, primarily highlighting the contributions of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. It discusses the ongoing project, the emph{Nearby Evolved Stars Survey} (NESS), and the potential to build upon NESS in the next decade. It then outlines a number of science cases which may become feasible with the proposed 850,$mu$m camera which is due to become available at the JCMT in late 2022. These include mapping the extended envelopes of evolved stars, including in polarisation, and time-domain monitoring of their variations. The improved sensitivity of the proposed instrument will facilitate statistical studies that put the morphology, polarisation properties and sub-mm variability in perspective with a relatively modest commitment of time that would be impossible with current instrumentation. We also consider the role that could be played by other continuum wavelengths, heterodyne instruments or other facilities in contributing towards these objectives.
