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The powerful FR II radio galaxy Cygnus A exhibits primary and secondary hotspots in each lobe. A 2 Msec Chandra X-ray image of Cygnus A has revealed an approximately circular hole, with a radius of 3.9 kpc, centered on the primary hotspot in the eastern radio lobe, hotspot E. We infer the distribution of X-ray emission on our line-of-sight from an X-ray surface brightness profile of the radio lobe adjacent to the hole and use it to argue that the hole is excavated from the radio lobe. The surface brightness profile of the hole implies a depth at least 1.7 $pm$ 0.3 times greater than its projected width, requiring a minimum depth of 13.3 $pm$ 2.3 kpc. A similar hole observed in the 5 GHz VLA radio map reinforces the argument for a cavity lying within the lobe. We argue that the jet encounters the shock compressed intracluster medium at hotspot E, passing through one or more shocks as it is deflected back into the radio lobe. The orientation of Cygnus A allows the outflow from hotspot E to travel almost directly away from us, creating an elongated cavity, as observed. These results favor models for multiple hotspots in which an FR II jet is deflected at a primary hotspot, then travels onward to deposit the bulk of its power at a secondary hotspot, rather than the dentist drill model.
Cygnus X-3 is a unique microquasar in the Galaxy hosting a Wolf-Rayet companion orbiting a compact object that most likely is a low-mass black hole. The unique source properties are likely due to the interaction of the compact object with the heavy stellar wind of the companion. In this paper, we concentrate on a very specific period of time prior to the massive outbursts observed from the source. During this period, Cygnus X-3 is in a so-called hypersoft state, where the radio and hard X-ray fluxes are found to be at their lowest values (or non-detected), the soft X-ray flux is at its highest values, and sporadic gamma-ray emission is observed. We will utilize multiwavelength observations in order to study the nature of the hypersoft state. We observed Cygnus X-3 during the hypersoft state with Swift and NuSTAR in the X-rays and SMA, AMI-LA, and RATAN-600 in the radio. We also considered X-ray monitoring data from MAXI and $gamma$-ray monitoring data from AGILE and Fermi. We found that the spectra and timing properties of the multiwavelength observations can be explained by a scenario where the jet production is turned off or highly diminished in the hypersoft state and the missing jet pressure allows the wind to refill the region close to the black hole. The results provide proof of actual jet quenching in soft states of X-ray binaries.
We present a 200 ks Chandra ACIS-I image of Cygnus A, and discuss a long linear feature seen in its counterlobe. This feature has a non-thermal spectrum and lies on the line connecting the brighter hotspot on the approaching side and the nucleus. We therefore conclude that this feature is (or was) a jet. However, the outer part of this X-ray jet does not trace the current counterjet observed in radio. No X-ray counterpart is observed on the jet side. Using light-travel time effects we conclude that this X-ray 50 kpc linear feature is a relic jet that contains enough low-energy plasma (gamma ~ 10^3) to inverse-Compton scatter cosmic microwave background photons, producing emission in the X-rays.
The ejection of a relativistic jet has been observed in the luminous Galactic low mass X-ray binary Cygnus X-2. Using high resolution radio observations, a directly resolved ejection event has been discovered while the source was on the Horizontal Branch of the Z-track. Contemporaneous radio and X-ray observations were made with the European VLBI Network at 6 cm and the Swift X-ray observatory in the 0.3 - 10 keV band. This has been difficult to achieve because of the previous inability to predict jet formation. Two sets of ~10 hr observations were spaced 12 hr apart, the jet apparently switching on during Day 1. The radio results show an unresolved core evolving into an extended jet. A preliminary value of jet velocity v/c of 0.33 +/- 0.12 was obtained, consistent with previous determinations in Galactic sources. Simultaneous radio and X-ray lightcurves are presented and the X-ray hardness ratio shows the source to be on the Horizontal Branch where jets are expected. The observations support our proposal that jet formation can in future be predicted based on X-ray intensity increases beyond a critical value.
We present evidence for the presence of a weak compact jet during a soft X-ray state of Cygnus X-1. Very-high-resolution radio observations were taken with the VLBA, EVN and MERLIN during a hard-to-soft spectral state change, showing the hard state jet to be suppressed by a factor of about 3-5 in radio flux and unresolved to direct imaging observations (i.e. < 1 mas at 4 cm). High time-resolution X-ray observations with the RXTE-PCA were also taken during the radio monitoring period, showing the source to make the transition from the hard state to a softer state (via an intermediate state), although the source may never have reached the canonical soft state. Using astrometric VLBI analysis and removing proper motion, parallax and orbital motion signatures, the residual positions show a scatter of ~0.2 mas (at 4 cm) and ~3 mas (at 13 cm) along the position angle of the known jet axis; these residuals suggest there is a weak unresolved outflow, with varying size or opacity, during intermediate and soft X-ray states. Furthermore, no evidence was found for extended knots or shocks forming within the jet during the state transition, suggesting the change in outflow rate may not be sufficiently high to produce superluminal knots.
Context: Physics behind the soft X-ray light curve asymmetries in Cygnus X-3, a well-known microquasar, was studied. AIMS: Observable effects of the jet close to the line-of-sight were investigated and interpreted within the frame of light curve physics. METHODS: The path of a hypothetical imprint of the jet, advected by the WR-wind, was computed and its crossing with the line-of-sight during the binary orbit determined. We explore the possibility that physically this imprint is a formation of dense clumps triggered by jet bow shocks in the wind (clumpy trail). Models for X-ray continuum and emission line light curves were constructed using two absorbers: mass columns along the line-of-sight of i) the WR wind and ii) the clumpy trail, as seen from the compact star. These model light curves were compared with the observed ones from the RXTE/ASM (continuum) and Chandra/HETG (emission lines). Results: We show that the shapes of the Cygnus X-3 light curves can be explained by the two absorbers using the inclination and true anomaly angles of the jet as derived in Dubus et al. (2010) from gamma-ray Fermi/LAT observations. The clumpy trail absorber is much larger for the lines than for the continuum. We suggest that the clumpy trail is a mixture of equilibrium and hot (shock heated) clumps. Conclusions: A possible way for studying jets in binary stars when the jet axis and the line-of-sight are close to each other is demonstrated. The X-ray continuum and emission line light curves of Cygnus X-3 can be explained by two absorbers: the WR companion wind plus an absorber lying in the jet path (clumpy trail). We propose that the clumpy trail absorber is due to dense clumps triggered by jet bow shocks.