Spin-dependent transport through a Weyl semimetal surface

Abstract in English

We experimentally compare two types of interface structures with magnetic and non-magnetic Weyl semimetals. They are the junctions between a gold normal layer and magnetic Weyl semimetal Ti$_2$MnAl, and a ferromagnetic nickel layer and non-magnetic Weyl semimetal WTe$_2$, respectively. Due to the ferromagnetic side of the junction, we investigate spin-polarized transport through the Weyl semimetal surface. For both structures, we demonstrate similar current-voltage characteristics, with hysteresis at low currents and sharp peaks in differential resistance at high ones. Despite this behavior resembles the known current-induced magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic structures, evolution of the resistance peaks with magnetic field is unusual. We connect the observed effects with current-induced spin dynamics in Weyl topological surface states.
