Astronomical Applications of Multi-Core Fiber Technology

Abstract in English

Optical fibers have altered astronomical instrument design by allowing for a complex, often large instrument to be mounted in a remote and stable location with respect to the telescope. The fibers also enable the possibility to rearrange the signal from a focal plane to form a psuedo-slit at the entrance to a spectrograph, optimizing the detector usage and enabling the study of hundreds of thousands of stars or galaxies simultaneously. Multi-core fibers in particular offer several favorable properties with respect to traditional fibers: 1) the separation between single-mode cores is greatly reduced and highly regular with respect to free standing fibers, 2) they offer a monolithic package with multi-fiber capabilities and 3) they operate at the diffraction limit. These properties have enabled the realization of single component photonic lanterns, highly simplified fiber Bragg gratings, and advanced fiber mode scramblers. In addition, the precise grid of cores has enabled the design of efficient single-mode fiber integral field units for spectroscopy. In this paper, we provide an overview of the broad range of applications enabled by multi-core fiber technology in astronomy and outline future areas of development.
