Analogies between growing dense active matter and soft driven glasses

Abstract in English

We develop a minimal model to describe growing dense active matter such as biological tissues, bacterial colonies and biofilms, that are driven by a competition between particle division and steric repulsion. We provide a detailed numerical analysis of collective and single particle dynamics. We show that the microscopic dynamics can be understood as the superposition of an affine radial component due to the global growth, and of a more complex non-affine component which displays features typical of driven soft glassy materials, such as aging, compressed exponential decay of time correlation functions, and a crossover from superdiffusive behaviour at short scales to subdiffusive behaviour at larger scales. This analogy emerges because particle division at the microscale leads to a global expansion which then plays a role analogous to shear flow in soft driven glasses. We conclude that growing dense active matter and sheared dense suspensions can generically be described by the same underlying physics.
