2018 NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop: Scientific Organizing Committee Report

Abstract in English

This report provides detailed findings on the critical laboratory astrophysics data needs that are required to maximize the scientific return for NASAs current and near-term planned astrophysics missions. It also provides prioritized rankings on said laboratory astrophysics data, generally by waveband. The Report is based on community input gathered at the 2018 NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop (LAW) from presentations, from discussions during workshop breakout sessions, and from other solicited input deemed appropriate by the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) obtained prior to and after the meeting. Hence, the Report is a direct reflection of the spirit and participant make-up of LAW 2018. The Report also outlines specific opportunities and threats facing NASAs Laboratory Astrophysics Program, and articulates concrete actions by which the Agency can capitalize on the opportunities and mitigate the challenges. The Report was prepared by the SOC, with help from some invited speakers, and input and review from community members.
