High-dimensional Central Limit Theorems by Steins Method

Abstract in English

We obtain explicit error bounds for the $d$-dimensional normal approximation on hyperrectangles for a random vector that has a Stein kernel, or admits an exchangeable pair coupling, or is a non-linear statistic of independent random variables or a sum of $n$ locally dependent random vectors. We assume the approximating normal distribution has a non-singular covariance matrix. The error bounds vanish even when the dimension $d$ is much larger than the sample size $n$. We prove our main results using the approach of Gotze (1991) in Steins method, together with modifications of an estimate of Anderson, Hall and Titterington (1998) and a smoothing inequality of Bhattacharya and Rao (1976). For sums of $n$ independent and identically distributed isotropic random vectors having a log-concave density, we obtain an error bound that is optimal up to a $log n$ factor. We also discuss an application to multiple Wiener-It^{o} integrals.
