We present the results from a particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation that models the interaction between a spatially localized electron-positron cloud and an electron-ion plasma. The latter is permeated by a magnetic field that is initially spatially uniform and aligned with the mean velocity vector of the pair cloud. The pair cloud expels the magnetic field and piles it up into an electromagnetic piston. Its electromagnetic field is strong enough to separate the pair cloud from the ambient plasma in the direction that is perpendicular to the cloud propagation direction. The piston propagates away from the spine of the injected pair cloud and it accelerates the protons to a high nonrelativistic speed. The accelerated protons form an outer cocoon that will eventually become separated from the unperturbed ambient plasma by a fast magnetosonic shock. No electromagnetic piston forms at the front of the cloud and a shock is mediated here by the filamentation instability. The final plasma distribution resembles that of a hydrodynamic jet. Collisionless plasma jets may form in the coronal plasma of accreting black holes and the interaction between the strong magnetic field of the piston and the hot pair cloud may contribute to radio emissions by such objects.
We study the effect a guiding magnetic field has on the formation and structure of a pair jet that propagates through a collisionless electron-proton plasma at rest. We model with a PIC simulation a pair cloud with the temperature 400 keV and mean speed 0.9c. The cloud propagates through a spatially uniform, magnetized and cool ambient electron-proton plasma that is at rest. Its mean velocity vector is aligned with the background magnetic field. A jet forms in time. Its outer cocoon consists of jet-accelerated ambient plasma and is separated from the inner cocoon by an electromagnetic piston with a thickness that is comparable to the thermal gyroradius of jet particles. A supercritical fast magnetosonic shock will form between the pristine ambient plasma and the jet-accelerated one on a time scale that exceeds our simulation time by an order of magnitude. The inner cocoon is pair plasma that lost its directed flow energy while it swept out the background magnetic field. A beam of electrons and positrons moves along the jet spine at its initial speed. Its electrons are slowed down and some positrons are accelerated as they cross the jets head. The latter escape upstream along the magnetic field, which yields an excess of MeV positrons ahead of the jet. Some of the protons, which were located behind the electromagnetic piston at the time it formed, are accelerated to MeV energies
By modelling the expansion of a cloud of electrons and positrons with the temperature 400 keV that propagates at the mean speed 0.9c ($c:$ speed of light) through an initially unmagnetized electron-proton plasma with a particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, we find a mechanism that collimates the pair cloud into a jet. A filamentation instability develops between the protons at rest and the moving positrons. Its magnetic field collimates the positrons and drives an electrostatic shock into the electron-proton plasma. The magnetic field acts as a discontinuity that separates the protons of the shocked ambient plasma, known as the outer cocoon, from the jets interior region. The outer cocoon expands at the speed 0.15c along the jet axis and at 0.03c perpendicularly to it. The filamentation instability converts the jets directed flow energy into magnetic energy in the inner cocoon. The magnetic discontinuity cannot separate the ambient electrons from the jet electrons. Both species rapidly mix and become indistinguishable. The spatial distribution of the positive charge carriers is in agreement with the distributions of the ambient material and the jet material predicted by a hydrodynamic model apart from a dilute positronic outflow that is accelerated by the electromagnetic field at the jets head.
We study with a one-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation the expansion of a pair cloud into a magnetized electron-proton plasma as well as the formation and subsequent propagation of a tangential discontinuity that separates both plasmas. Its propagation speed takes the value that balances the magnetic pressure of the discontinuity against the thermal pressure of the pair cloud and the ram pressure of the protons. Protons are accelerated by the discontinuity to a speed that exceeds the fast magnetosonic speed by the factor 10. A supercritical fast magnetosonic shock forms at the front of this beam. An increasing proton temperature downstream of the shock and ahead of the discontinuity leaves the latter intact. We create the discontinuity by injecting a pair cloud at a simulation boundary into a uniform electron-proton plasma, which is permeated by a perpendicular magnetic field. Collisionless tangential discontinuities in the relativistic pair jets of X-ray binaries (microquasars) are in permanent contact with the relativistic leptons of its inner cocoon and they become sources of radio synchrotron emissions.
We study with a two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation the stability of a discontinuity or piston, which separates an electron-positron cloud from a cooler electron-proton plasma. Such a piston might be present in the relativistic jets of accreting black holes separating the jet material from the surrounding ambient plasma and when pair clouds form during an X-ray flare and expand into the plasma of the accretion disk corona. We inject a pair plasma at a simulation boundary with a mildly relativistic temperature and mean speed. It flows across a spatially uniform electron-proton plasma, which is permeated by a background magnetic field. The magnetic field is aligned with one simulation direction and oriented orthogonally to the mean velocity vector of the pair cloud. The expanding pair cloud expels the magnetic field and piles it up at its front. It is amplified to a value large enough to trap ambient electrons. The current of the trapped electrons, which are carried with the expanding cloud front, drives an electric field that accelerates protons. A solitary wave grows and changes into a piston after it saturated. Our simulations show that this piston undergoes a collision-less instability similar to a Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The undular mode grows and we observe fingers in the proton density distribution. The effect of the instability is to deform the piston but it cannot destroy it.
The expansion of a charge-neutral cloud of electrons and positrons with the temperature 1 MeV into an unmagnetized ambient plasma is examined with a 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. The pair outflow drives solitary waves in the ambient protons. Their bipolar electric fields attract electrons of the outflowing pair cloud and repel positrons. These fields can reflect some of the protons thereby accelerating them to almost an MeV. Ion acoustic solitary waves are thus an efficient means to couple energy from the pair cloud to protons. The scattering of the electrons and positrons by the electric field slows down their expansion to a nonrelativistic speed. Only a dilute pair outflow reaches the expansion speed expected from the clouds thermal speed. Its positrons are more energetic than its electrons. In time an instability grows at the front of the dense slow-moving part of the pair cloud, which magnetizes the plasma. The instability is driven by the interaction of the outflowing positrons with the protons. These results shed light on how magnetic fields are created and ions are accelerated in pair-loaded astrophysical jets and winds.
Mark Eric Dieckmann
,Martin Falk
,Peter Steneteg
"Structure of a collisionless pair jet in a magnetized electron-proton plasma: Flow-aligned magnetic field"
Mark Dieckmann
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