On $sigma$-arithmetic graphs of finite groups

Abstract in English

Let $G$ be a finite group and $sigma$ a partition of the set of all? primes $Bbb{P}$, that is, $sigma ={sigma_i mid iin I }$, where $Bbb{P}=bigcup_{iin I} sigma_i$ and $sigma_icap sigma_j= emptyset $ for all $i e j$. If $n$ is an integer, we write $sigma(n)={sigma_i mid sigma_{i}cap pi (n) e emptyset }$ and $sigma (G)=sigma (|G|)$. We call a graph $Gamma$ with the set of all vertices $V(Gamma)=sigma (G)$ ($G e 1$) a $sigma$-arithmetic graph of $G$, and we associate with $G e 1$ the following three directed $sigma$-arithmetic graphs: (1) the $sigma$-Hawkes graph $Gamma_{Hsigma }(G)$ of $G$ is a $sigma$-arithmetic graph of $G$ in which $(sigma_i, sigma_j)in E(Gamma_{Hsigma }(G))$ if $sigma_jin sigma (G/F_{{sigma_i}}(G))$; (2) the $sigma$-Hall graph $Gamma_{sigma Hal}(G)$ of $G$ in which $(sigma_i, sigma_j)in E(Gamma_{sigma Hal}(G))$ if for some Hall $sigma_i$-subgroup $H$ of $G$ we have $sigma_jin sigma (N_{G}(H)/HC_{G}(H))$; (3) the $sigma$-Vasilev-Murashko graph $Gamma_{{mathfrak{N}_sigma }}(G)$ of $G$ in which $(sigma_i, sigma_j)in E(Gamma_{{mathfrak{N}_sigma}}(G))$ if for some ${mathfrak{N}_{sigma }}$-critical subgroup $H$ of $G$ we have $sigma_i in sigma (H)$ and $sigma_jin sigma (H/F_{{sigma_i}}(H))$. In this paper, we study the structure of $G$ depending on the properties of these three graphs of $G$.
