Intrinsic topological phases in Mn$_2$Bi$_2$Te$_5$ tuned by the layer magnetization

Abstract in English

The interplay between band topology and magnetic order could generate a variety of time-reversal-breaking gapped topological phases with exotic topological quantization phenomena, such as quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulators and axion insulators (AxI). Here by combining analytic models and first-principles calculations, we predict QAH and AxI phases can be realized in thin film of an intrinsic antiferromagnetic van der Waal material Mn$_2$Bi$_2$Te$_5$. The phase transition between QAH and AxI is tuned by the layer magnetization, which would provide a promising platform for chiral superconducting phases. We further present a simple and unified continuum model that captures the magnetic topological features, and is generic for Mn$_2$Bi$_2$Te$_5$ and MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ family materials.
