Doping and temperature evolution of pseudogap and spin-spin correlations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

Abstract in English

Cluster perturbation theory is applied to the two-dimensional Hubbard $t-t-t-U$ model to obtain doping and temperature dependent electronic spectral function with $4 times 4$ and 12-site clusters. It is shown that evolution of the pseudogap and electronic dispersion with doping and temperature is similar and in both cases it is significantly influenced by spin-spin short-range correlations. When short-range magnetic order is weakened by doping or temperature and Hubbard-I like electronic dispersion becomes more pronounced, the Fermi arc turns into large Fermi surface and the pseudogap closes. It is demonstrated how static spin correlations impact the overall dispersions shape and how accounting for dynamic contributions leads to momentum-dependent spectral weight at the Fermi surface and broadening effects.
