A new feasible dark matter region in the singlet scalar scotogenic model

Abstract in English

We study a simplest viable dark matter model with a real singlet scalar, vector-like singlet and a doublet lepton. We find a considerable enhancement in the allowed region of the scalar dark matter parameter spaces under the influence of the new Yukawa coupling. The Yukawa coupling associate with the fermion sector heavily dominant the dark matter parameter spaces satisfying the current relic density of the Universe. Dilepton$+slashed{E}_T$ signature arising from the new fermionic sector can observe at Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We perform such analysis in the context of 14 TeV LHC experiments with a future integrated luminosity of 3000 ${rm fb^{-1}}$. We found that a large region of the parameter spaces can be probed by the LHC experiments. The projected exclusion/discovery reach of direct heavy charged fermion searches in this channels is analyzed by performing a detailed cut based collider analysis. The projected exclusion contour reaches up to $1050-1380~{rm GeV}$ for 3000 ${rm fb^{-1}}$ for a light dark matter $mathcal{O}(10)$ GeV from searches in the $ pp rightarrow E_1^pm E_1^mp, E_1^pmrightarrow l^pm S rightarrow ll + slashed{E}_T$ channel.
