Cytoskeleton polarity is essential in determining orientational order in basal bodies of multi-ciliated cells

Abstract in English

Synchronous and directed ciliary beating in trachea allows transport and ejection of virus and dust from the body. This ciliary function depends on the coordinated configuration of basal bodies (root of cilia) in apical cell membrane. However, the mechanism for their formation remains unknown. In this study, we show that the polarity in apical microtubule bundles plays a significant role in the organization of basal bodies. A mathematical model incorporating polarity has been formulated which provides a coherent explanation and is able to reproduce experimental observations. We have clarified both necessity (why polarity is required for pattern formation) and sufficiency (how polarity works for pattern formation) of cytoskeleton polarity for correct pattering of basal bodies with verification by experimental data. This model further leads us to a possible mechanism for cellular chirality.
