Impact Hamiltonian systems and polygonal billiards

Abstract in English

The dynamics of a beam held on a horizontal frame by springs and bouncing off a step is described by a separable two degrees of freedom Hamiltonian system with impacts that respect, point wise, the separability symmetry. The energy in each degree of freedom is preserved, and the motion along each level set is conjugated, via action angle coordinates, to a geodesic flow on a flat two-dimensional surface in the four dimensional phase space. Yet, for a range of energies, these surfaces are not the simple Liouville-Arnold tori - these are tori of genus two, thus the motion on them is not conjugated to simple rotations. Namely, even though energy is not transferred between the two degrees of freedom, the impact system is quasi-integrable and is not of the Liouville-Arnold type. In fact, for each level set in this range, the motion is conjugated to the well studied and highly non-trivial dynamics of directional motion in L-shaped billiards, where the billiard area and shape as well as the direction of motion vary continuously on iso-energetic level sets. Return maps to Poincare section of the flow are shown to be conjugated, on each level set, to interval exchange maps which are computed, up to quadratures, in the general nonlinear case and explicitly for the case of two linear oscillators bouncing off a step. It is established that for any such oscillator-step system there exist step locations for which some of the level sets exhibit motion which is neither periodic nor ergodic. Changing the impact surface by introducing additional steps, staircases, strips and blocks from which the particle is reflected, leads to iso-energy surfaces that are foliated by families of genus-k level set surfaces, where the number and order of families of genus k depend on the energy.
