Improving Image Autoencoder Embeddings with Perceptual Loss

Abstract in English

Autoencoders are commonly trained using element-wise loss. However, element-wise loss disregards high-level structures in the image which can lead to embeddings that disregard them as well. A recent improvement to autoencoders that helps alleviate this problem is the use of perceptual loss. This work investigates perceptual loss from the perspective of encoder embeddings themselves. Autoencoders are trained to embed images from three different computer vision datasets using perceptual loss based on a pretrained model as well as pixel-wise loss. A host of different predictors are trained to perform object positioning and classification on the datasets given the embedded images as input. The two kinds of losses are evaluated by comparing how the predictors performed with embeddings from the differently trained autoencoders. The results show that, in the image domain, the embeddings generated by autoencoders trained with perceptual loss enable more accurate predictions than those trained with element-wise loss. Furthermore, the results show that, on the task of object positioning of a small-scale feature, perceptual loss can improve the results by a factor 10. The experimental setup is available online:
